Drawing Your Manga As If It Was Terrible: Astro Boy

Here we are again, drawing your manga as if it was terrible! Comment which manga you would like to see me attempt to recreate and accidentally destroy!

This time it’s Astro boy, thank you to thespookyredhead for recommending it. These drawings and panels are taken from the first three chapters of the original manga.

#1 – Astro Boy walks down a corridor after his creation.


So here’s what I drew!


This one took about the same time as the next two combined. I decided to put a background in this one because it wasn’t massively complicated and why not? If I keep up with this series, who knows, I might get good!

The hands are all weird his right foot sticks out too weirdly and his face, eyes, and hair are a bit odd. So not bad overall!

#2 Astro boy with his arms up!

Oh dear this is bad. I think the general angle of the picture is wrong. The hair is squished, arms are weird. It’s all weird!

Please stop praising me in the comments! I don’t think I should be allowed to get away with drawings like this!

#3 Some Guy With his arms crossed


I don’t like praising these things because they’re not great. Of course they resemble the original! I was looking right at it as I drew it!

I think the weird thing about this is the hands and the arms because in the manga they are completely black. I don’t have the same things that mangaka’s use and I don’t know what I should use. I just have a random pencil that does this. I think the guy uses a lot of pens and stuff which makes my stuff look way worse.


Alright there we go. I quite like three as a number for these posts, it’s not easy to find that many images in manga so yeah. What did you think and what do you want to see next?

10 thoughts on “Drawing Your Manga As If It Was Terrible: Astro Boy

  1. I know you said not to praise you but it’s all so cute! I’m squealing I’m too excited about this!! And hush, you may have squished his hair but he will always be an amazing and beautiful boy don’t you dare say otherwise!!!
    And with more practise you’re definitely going to get much better too 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you that really means a lot! I found that so funny!

      Yeah I’ve got quite a lot of suggestions so I’ll hopefully make some progress from drawing those! I think it might be cool to go back and attempt the first drawings I started out with once the suggestions are done to see my progression!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Haha, this is such a great idea! And man, you’re gonna get good if you keep this series going with all that practice. There are starter sets for manga if you want a little more than just a pen to draw with. I think Fabre-Castell has made one. Shouldn’t be too hard to find at a reasonable price.

    As for your next assignment I would love to see Evangelion.

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